Här är Sharps högklassiga avsked till Chicago
Efter tio år i Chicagos organisation fortsätter nu Patrick Sharps karriär på annat håll. Innan kanadensaren packat väskorna och kört flyttlasset till Dallas återstår det dock att ta farväl av alla lagkamrater, vänner och supportrar han skapat sig en relation till under åren i Blackhawks.
Som ett första led i uppbrottet från staden som blivit forwardsveteranens hem köpte 33-åringen en helsidesannons i lokaltidningen Chicago Tribune där han och hans familj tackade fansen för stödet under hans tid i klubben:
Nice move by Patrick Sharp to take a full-page ad in Sunday's Chicago Tribune to thank fans. #Blackhawks pic.twitter.com/VYYJoboAW3
— Chris Kuc (@ChrisKuc) July 12, 2015
För de som tycker att det är svårt att se vad som står i den text stjärnan har författat får ni den serverad här nedan:
”I arrived in Chicago in 2005, not knowing the journey that the Blackhawks would take me over the next 10 years. This team gave me an opportunity to play, to grow and become the person I am today. I will always be grateful for the time I spent here.
Winning the Stanley Cup once was a dream come true; winning it three times, with three different groups of teammates, coaches and trainers, was the ultimate privilege as a player. I feel an overwhelming sense of pride when I look back on all that we’ve accomplished together.
Thank you to Rocky Wirtz, John McDonough, Stan Bowman and the entire Blackhawks family for allowing me to be a part of a world-class organization on and off the ice. Thank you to the fans for embracing me as a player and accepting me as a part of Chicago.
This city has meant so much to me and my family: Three Stanley Cup victories. The birth of Madelyn Grace and Sadie Ellen. Endless memories from the fans, my friends and teammates. For the Sharp family, Chicago has become home.
Thank you,
Patrick, Abby, Madelyn and Sadie Sharp”
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